Fashions fade, style is eternal .Xo. ♥

Fashion, Makeup, Life

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday :)

I love all these lines MAC is coming out with...

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Top Fav Daily Products!

I've tried MANY Mascaras, Foundations, Primers etc. But, then i still end up coming back to the same ones. Am i the only one who has this problem?

What are your top beauty products?

Grown Roots? NOT My Favorite!

So, Most celebrities are letting their natural hair peek through MAJOR! It's like roots are in, as for me that is a major no no, not only does it look like you had no time to go to the salon, it just looks like you dont maintain yourself as a lady. Or in most cases, no money... And we all know that is not the case for these beautiful women. I myself can not stand when my roots start growing in.

What do you think?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Keep up your immunity!

It’s that time of year when kids of all ages go back to school. Whether you have kids or not, (I don't, but we are all around them ) the germs spread to everyone. Some people are not as diligent with hand washing and hand sanitizing.

My point is, there is a lot of stuff going around already and it is going to ramp up. Please take care of yourselves by eating right, drinking water, washing your hands often, getting rest and most importantly if you don’t feel good, cancel your day (don’t workout either) and just sleep it off. You will be up and running much sooner then if you try to push yourself. I promise. :)

I always tend to clean my house and everything around me, especially my work space since im here mostly 9 hour days & I am only in the office Wed-Fri i still maintain it clean God knows what goes on around my dest Sat-Tues. I keep Clorox wipes around me at all times, and i try to wipe anything down from the desk, telephone and computer.

I love the fall season because it brings relaxation (atleast to me it does) also getting some work done before the winter holidays and the New Year. So let’s all take care of ourselves so that we personally get to feel a sense of accomplishment by the end of December.

Enjoy Your Upcoming Fall Season & Stay Clean!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 1 of bloggin'

Hello Everyone!!

My name is Mardia, Today is September 8, 2010. Gloomy Day in Socal.

Wow does time fly or what?? Technically 15 more days and FALL (My Favorite Season) is here! Here comes the coats, scarves and rain boots.. Dont you just love Fall? I DO! :)

I am bearly recovering from last year... phew!! I wanted to start blogging for a while now, but never got to it... I see alot of people are doing it, So i said why not? lemme try it too. Well i don't have anything specific to say just think I'm interesting and funny. I think i live an interesting enough life, Just wanted to share my daily life with ya... Enjoy!

Anywho... Today is a typical work day woke up pretty happy drank my cup of coffee & Thanked God for another day of life and his never ending blessings. I always try to wake up happy and make a positive outlook in life because, we are only here once so we have to make the best of it. We face many challenges daily, but if you have God, strenght, family and faith, there is NO obstacle you can overcome.
Hope you all continue to have a great day!


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